Source code for skbold.estimators.roi_stacking_classifier

# Class to implement a stacking classifier that trains a meta-classifier
# on classifiers trained on different feature sets from different ROIs.

# Author: Lukas Snoek []
# Contact:
# License: 3 clause BSD

# Note: this implementation was inspired by the code of S. Rashka
# (
from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import

import glob
import numpy as np
import os
from copy import copy, deepcopy
import skbold
import os.path as op
from ..core import convert2epi
from ..feature_extraction import RoiIndexer, IncrementalFeatureCombiner
from ..feature_selection import fisher_criterion_score, SelectAboveCutoff
from sklearn.externals.joblib import Parallel, delayed, dump, load
from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, ClassifierMixin
from sklearn.svm import SVC
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from sklearn.cross_validation import StratifiedKFold
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from sklearn.metrics import precision_score
from sklearn.grid_search import GridSearchCV

import warnings

warnings.filterwarnings('ignore')  # hack to turn off UndefinedMetricWarning

roi_dir = op.join(op.dirname(skbold.__file__), 'data', 'ROIs',

[docs]class RoiStackingClassifier(BaseEstimator, ClassifierMixin): """ This scikit-learn-style classifier implements a stacking classifier that fits a base-classifier on multiple brain-regions separately and subsequently trains a meta-classifier on the outputs of the base- classifiers on the separate brain-regions. Parameters ---------- mvp : mvp-object An custom object from the skbold package containing data (X, y) and corresponding meta-data (e.g. mask info) preproc_pipe : object A scikit-learn Pipeline object with desired preprocessing steps (e.g. scaling, additional feature selection). Defaults to only scaling and univariate-feature-selection by means of highest mean-euclidean differences (see ``skbold.transformers.mean_euclidean``). base_clf : object A scikit-learn style classifier (implementing fit(), predict(), and predict_proba()), that is able to be used in Pipelines. meta_clf : object A scikit-learn style classifier. mask_type : str Can be 'unilateral' or 'bilateral', which will use all masks from the corresponding Harvard-Oxford Cortical (lateralized) atlas. Alternatively, it may be an absolute path to a directory containing a custom set of masks as nifti-files (default: 'unilateral'). meta_gs : list or ndarray Optional parameter-grid over which to perform gridsearch. n_cores : int Number of CPU-cores on which to perform the fitting procedure (here, outer-folds are parallelized). Attributes ---------- train_scores : ndarray Accuracy-scores per brain region (averaged over outer-folds) on the training (fit) phase. test_scores : ndarray Accuracy-scores per brain region (averaged over outer- and inner-folds) on the test phase. masks : list of str List of absolute paths to found masks. stck_train : ndarray Array with outputs from base-classifiers fit on train-set. stck_test : ndarray Array with outputs from base-classifiers generalized to test-set. """ def __init__(self, mvp, preproc_pipe='default', base_clf=None, meta_clf=None, mask_type='unilateral', proba=True, folds=10, meta_fs='univar', meta_gs=None, n_cores=1): self.mvp = copy(mvp) self.mvp.X = None self.n_class = mvp.n_class self.mask_type = mask_type self.proba = proba self.n_cores = n_cores if preproc_pipe == 'default': scaler = StandardScaler() transformer = SelectAboveCutoff(1, fisher_criterion_score) preproc_pipe = Pipeline([('transformer', transformer), ('scaler', scaler)]) if base_clf is None: base_clf = SVC(C=1.0, kernel='linear', probability=True, decision_function_shape='ovo') self.base_clf = base_clf base_pipe = preproc_pipe.steps base_pipe.extend([('base_clf', self.base_clf)]) self.base_pipe = Pipeline(base_pipe) self.base_pipes = [] if meta_clf is None: meta_clf = LogisticRegression(multi_class='multinomial', C=0.1, solver='lbfgs') self.meta_fs = meta_fs meta_pipe = Pipeline([('selector', meta_fs), ('scaler', scaler), ('meta_clf', meta_clf)]) if meta_gs is not None: params = dict(selector__cutoff=meta_gs) meta_pipe = GridSearchCV(meta_pipe, params, error_score=0) self.meta_pipe = meta_pipe # Glob masks if mask_type not in ['unilateral', 'bilateral']: # It is assumed that a directory with masks is inputted self.masks = glob.glob(op.join(mask_type, '*nii.gz')) else: mask_dir = op.join(roi_dir, mask_type) self.masks = glob.glob(op.join(mask_dir, '*nii.gz')) if not self.masks: raise ValueError('No masks found in specified directory!') if mvp.ref_space == 'epi': for i, mask in enumerate(self.masks): if op.basename(mask)[0:2] in ['L_', 'R_']: laterality = 'unilateral' else: laterality = 'bilateral' main_dir = op.dirname( epi_dir = op.join(main_dir, 'epi_masks', laterality) if not op.isdir(epi_dir): os.makedirs(epi_dir) epi_name = op.basename(mask)[:-7] epi_exists = glob.glob( op.join(epi_dir, '*%s*.nii.gz' % epi_name)) if epi_exists: self.masks[i] = epi_exists[0] else: reg_dir = op.join(, 'reg') self.masks[i] = convert2epi(mask, reg_dir, epi_dir)[0] self.folds = folds # Metrics self.train_roi_scores = None self.test_roi_scores = None self.stack_dir = op.join(op.dirname(, 'stack_dir') if not op.isdir(self.stack_dir): os.makedirs(self.stack_dir) else: _ = [os.remove(f) for f in glob.glob(op.join(self.stack_dir, '*.npy'))] def _fit_base(self, X, y, n_cores=1): nr_folds = range(self.folds) Parallel(n_jobs=n_cores, verbose=5)(delayed( _fit_base_parallel)(self, X, y, i) for i in nr_folds) stacks = sorted(glob.glob(op.join(self.stack_dir, 'features*.npy'))) stck_train = np.stack([np.load(s) for s in stacks]).mean(axis=0) self.stck_train = stck_train.reshape(stck_train.shape[0], -1) scores = sorted(glob.glob(op.join(self.stack_dir, 'scores*.npy'))) self.train_roi_scores = np.stack([np.load(s) for s in scores]).mean( axis=0).mean(axis=0) self.base_pipes = sorted(glob.glob(op.join(self.stack_dir, 'pipes*'))) def _fit_meta(self, y): if self.meta_fs.__class__ == IncrementalFeatureCombiner: if self._is_gridsearch(self.meta_pipe): self.meta_pipe.estimator.set_params( selector__scores=self.train_roi_scores) else: self.meta_pipe.set_params( selector__scores=self.train_roi_scores), y) if self._is_gridsearch(self.meta_pipe): self.best_roi_idx = self.meta_pipe.best_estimator_.named_steps[ 'selector'].idx_ else: self.best_roi_idx = self.meta_pipe.named_steps['selector'].idx_ def _predict_base(self, X, y=None): n_trials = X.shape[0] n_class = self.n_class n_masks = len(self.masks) n_inner = self.n_inner_cv n_outer = self.folds if self.proba: stck_fts = np.zeros((n_trials, n_class, n_masks, n_outer, n_inner)) else: stck_fts = np.zeros((n_trials, n_masks, n_outer, n_inner)) scores = np.zeros((n_outer, n_inner, n_masks, n_class)) for i in range(len(self.base_pipes)): if all(isinstance(p, str) for p in self.base_pipes): outer_pipe = load(self.base_pipes[i]) os.remove(self.base_pipes[i]) else: outer_pipe = self.base_pipes[i] for ii, inner_pipe in enumerate(outer_pipe): for iii, mask_pipe in enumerate(inner_pipe): pred = mask_pipe.predict(X) scores[i, ii, iii, :] = precision_score(y, pred, average=None) if self.proba: stck_fts[:, :, iii, i, ii] = mask_pipe.predict_proba(X) else: stck_fts[:, iii, i, ii] = pred self.stck_test = stck_fts.mean(axis=-1).mean(axis=-1) self.test_roi_scores = scores.mean(axis=0).mean(axis=0) def _predict_meta(self, X, y=None): if self.proba: shape = self.stck_test.shape self.stck_test = self.stck_test.reshape( (shape[0],[1:]))) meta_pred = self.meta_pipe.predict_proba(self.stck_test) else: meta_pred = self.meta_pipe.predict(self.stck_test) return meta_pred
[docs] def fit(self, X, y): """ Fits RoiStackingClassfier. Parameters ---------- X : ndarray Array of shape = [n_samples, n_features]. y : list or ndarray of int or float List or ndarray with floats/ints corresponding to labels. Returns ------- self : object RoiStackingClassifier instance with fitted parameters. """ self.n_inner_cv = (y == 0).sum() # assumes balanced classes self._fit_base(X, y, n_cores=self.n_cores) self._fit_meta(y) return self
[docs] def predict(self, X, y=None): """ Predict class given RoiStackingClassifier. Parameters ---------- X : ndarray Array of shape = [n_samples, n_features]. Returns ------- meta_pred : ndarray Array with class predictions. """ self._predict_base(X, y=y) meta_pred = self._predict_meta(X, y=y) return meta_pred
[docs] def score(self, X, y): """ Scoring function calculating accuracy given predictions. X : ndarray Array of shape = [n_samples, n_features] y : list or ndarray of int or float List or ndarray with floats/ints corresponding to labels. Returns ------- score : float Accuracy of predictions on the test-set. """ pred = self.predict(X, y) if pred.ndim > 1: pred = np.argmax(pred, axis=1) score = np.mean(pred == y) print('Score: %f' % score) return score
def _is_gridsearch(self, pipe): if hasattr(pipe, 'estimator'): return True else: return False
def _fit_base_parallel(rsc, X, y, i): """ Parallelized fitting function (cannot be method due to the fact that joblib is unable to pickle class methods. """ n_masks = len(rsc.masks) n_outer_cv = rsc.folds n_masks = len(rsc.masks) n_class = rsc.mvp.n_class n_trials = X.shape[0] n_inner_cv = (y == 0).sum() folds = StratifiedKFold(y, n_folds=n_inner_cv, shuffle=True, random_state=(i + 1)) if rsc.proba: # trials X masks X nr. classes (proba output) stck_fts = np.zeros((n_trials, n_class, n_masks)) else: # discrete class output stck_fts = np.zeros((n_trials, n_masks)) scores = np.zeros((n_inner_cv, n_masks, n_class)) inner_pipes = [] for ii, fold in enumerate(folds): train_idx, test_idx = fold X_train, y_train = X[train_idx, :], y[train_idx] X_test, y_test = X[test_idx, :], y[test_idx] mask_pipes = [] for iii, mask in enumerate(rsc.masks): base_pipe = deepcopy(rsc.base_pipe) ri = RoiIndexer(rsc.mvp, mask, mask_threshold=0) base_tmp = base_pipe.steps base_tmp.insert(0, ('roiindexer', ri)) base_pipe = Pipeline(base_tmp), y_train) pred = base_pipe.predict(X_test) if rsc.proba: stck_fts[test_idx, :, iii] = base_pipe.predict_proba(X_test) else: stck_fts[test_idx, iii] = pred scores[ii, iii, :] = precision_score(y_test, pred, average=None) mask_pipes.append(base_pipe) inner_pipes.append(mask_pipes) fn = op.join(rsc.stack_dir, 'features_fold_%i.npy' % (i + 1)), stck_fts) fn = op.join(rsc.stack_dir, 'scores_fold_%i.npy' % (i + 1)), scores) fn = op.join(rsc.stack_dir, 'pipes_fold_%i.pickle' % (i + 1)) dump(inner_pipes, fn, compress=3)