Source code for skbold.estimators.roi_voting_classifier

# Class to implement a voting classifier from the output of
# classifiers trained on different feature sets from different ROIs.

# Author: Lukas Snoek []
# Contact:
# License: 3 clause BSD

# Note: this implementation was inspired by the code of S. Rashka
# (

from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import

import glob
import numpy as np
import os.path as op
from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, ClassifierMixin
from sklearn.svm import SVC
from skbold.feature_extraction import RoiIndexer
from ..feature_selection import fisher_criterion_score, SelectAboveCutoff
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from copy import copy, deepcopy

import skbold
roi_dir = op.join(op.dirname(skbold.__file__), 'data', 'ROIs',

[docs]class RoiVotingClassifier(BaseEstimator, ClassifierMixin): """ This classifier fits a base-estimator (by default a linear SVM) on different feature sets (i.e. voxels) from different regions of interest (which are drawn from the Harvard-Oxford Cortical atlas), and subsequently the final prediction is derived through a max-voting rule, which can be either 'soft' (argmax of mean class probability) or 'hard' (max of class prediction). Notes ----- This classifier has not been tested! Parameters ---------- mvp : mvp-object An custom object from the skbold package containing data (X, y) and corresponding meta-data (e.g. mask info) preproc_pipeline : object A scikit-learn Pipeline object with desired preprocessing steps (e.g. scaling, additional feature selection) clf : object A scikit-learn style classifier (implementing fit(), predict(), and predict_proba()), that is able to be used in Pipelines. mask_type : str Can be 'unilateral' or 'bilateral', which will use all masks from the corresponding Harvard-Oxford Cortical (lateralized) atlas. Alternatively, it may be an absolute path to a directory containing a custom set of masks as nifti-files (default: 'unilateral'). voting : str Either 'hard' or 'soft' (default: 'soft'). weights : list (or ndarray) List/array of shape [n_rois] with a relative weighting factor to be used in the voting procedure. """ def __init__(self, mvp, preproc_pipeline=None, clf=None, mask_type='unilateral', voting='soft', weights=None): self.mvp = mvp = voting self.mask_type = mask_type if clf is None: clf = SVC(C=1.0, kernel='linear', probability=True, decision_function_shape='ovo') self.clf = clf # If no preprocessing pipeline is defined, we'll assume that at least # scaling and minor (univariate) feature selection is desired. if preproc_pipeline is None: scaler = StandardScaler() transformer = SelectAboveCutoff(1, fisher_criterion_score) preproc_pipeline = Pipeline([('transformer', transformer), ('scaler', scaler)]) self.preproc_pipeline = preproc_pipeline # Glob masks if mask_type not in ['unilateral', 'bilateral']: self.masks = glob.glob(op.join(mask_type, '*nii.gz')) else: mask_dir = op.join(op.dirname(roi_dir), mask_type) self.masks = glob.glob(op.join(mask_dir, '*nii.gz')) self.pipes = [] # This will gather all roi-specific pipelines self.clf = clf # base-classifier # If no weights are specified, use equal weights if weights is None: weights = np.ones(len(self.masks)) self.weights = weights
[docs] def fit(self, X=None, y=None): """ Fits RoiVotingClassifier. Parameters ---------- X : ndarray Array of shape = [n_samples, n_features]. y : list or ndarray of int or float List or ndarray with floats/ints corresponding to labels. Returns ------- self : object RoiStackingClassifier instance with fitted parameters. """ if X is None: X = self.mvp.X if y is None: y = self.mvp.y for i, mask in enumerate(self.masks): roiindexer = RoiIndexer(self.mvp, mask, mask_threshold=0) pipeline = [('roiindexer', roiindexer)] tmp_preproc = deepcopy(self.preproc_pipeline) pipeline.extend(tmp_preproc.steps) pipeline.extend([('clf', copy(self.clf))]) pipeline = Pipeline(pipeline), y) self.pipes.append(pipeline) return self
[docs] def predict(self, X): """ Predict class given fitted RoiVotingClassifier. Parameters ---------- X : ndarray Array of shape = [n_samples, n_features]. Returns ------- maxvotes : ndarray Array with class predictions for all classes of X. """ if == 'hard': votes = np.asarray([p.predict(X) for p in self.pipes]) # Credits to Sebastian Rashka: # maxvotes = np.apply_along_axis(lambda x: np.argmax(np.bincount(x, weights=self.weights)), axis=0, arr=votes) elif == 'soft': votes = np.asarray([p.predict_proba(X) for p in self.pipes]) maxvotes = np.average(votes, axis=0, weights=self.weights).argmax(axis=-1) return maxvotes