Source code for skbold.exp_model.batch_fsf

from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import
from builtins import range
from io import open
import os
import numpy as np
import os.path as op
from glob import glob
import nibabel as nib
import multiprocessing
import warnings
import pandas as pd

[docs]class FsfCrawler(object): """ Given an fsf-template, this crawler creates subject-specific fsf-FEAT files assuming that appropriate .bfsl files exist. Parameters ---------- template : str Absolute path to template fsf-file. Default is 'mvpa', which models each bfsl-file as a separate regressor (and contrast against baseline). mvpa_type : str Whether to estimate patterns per trial (mvpa_type='trial_wise') or to estimate patterns per condition (or per run, mvpa_type='run_wise') preproc_dir : str Absolute path to directory with preprocessed files. run_idf : str Identifier for run to apply template fsf to. output_dir : str Path to desired output dir of first-levels. subject_idf : str Identifier for subject-directories. event_file_ext : str Extension for event-file; if 'bfsl' (default, for legacy reasons), then assumes single event-file per predictor. If 'tsv' (cf. BIDS), then assumes a single tsv-file with all predictors. func_idf : str Identifier for which functional should be use. prewhiten : bool Whether the data should be prewhitened in model fitting derivs : bool Whether to model derivatives of original regressors mat_suffix : str Identifier (suffix) for design.mat and batch.fsf file (such that it does not overwrite older files). sort_by_onset : bool Whether to sort predictors by onset (first trial = first predictor), or, when False, sort by condition (all trials condition A, all trials condition B, etc.). n_cores : int How many CPU cores should be used for the batch-analysis. """ def __init__(self, preproc_dir, run_idf, template='mvpa', mvpa_type='trial_wise', output_dir=None, subject_idf='sub', event_file_ext='bfsl', func_idf='func', prewhiten=True, derivs=False, mat_suffix=None, sort_by_onset=False, n_cores=1): self.template = template self.preproc_dir = preproc_dir self.mvpa_type = mvpa_type if output_dir is None: output_dir = op.join(op.dirname(preproc_dir), 'Firstlevels') if not op.isdir(output_dir): os.makedirs(output_dir) self.output_dir = output_dir if run_idf is None: self.run_idf = '' else: self.run_idf = run_idf self.func_idf = func_idf self.subject_idf = subject_idf self.event_file_ext = event_file_ext self.prewhiten = prewhiten self.derivs = derivs if n_cores < 0: n_cores = multiprocessing.cpu_count() - n_cores self.n_cores = n_cores self.clean_fsf = None self.out_fsf = [] self.sub_dirs = None self.run_paths = None if mvpa_type != 'trial_wise': sort_by_onset = False self.sort_by_onset = sort_by_onset if mat_suffix is None: self.mat_suffix = '' else: self.mat_suffix = '_' + mat_suffix
[docs] def crawl(self): """ Crawls subject-directories and spits out subject-specific fsf. """ self._read_fsf() run_paths = op.join(self.preproc_dir, '*%s*' % self.subject_idf, '*%s*' % self.run_idf) self.sub_dirs = sorted(glob(run_paths)) if not self.sub_dirs: msg = "Could not find any subdirs with command: %s" % run_paths raise ValueError(msg) fsf_paths = [self._write_fsf(sub) for sub in self.sub_dirs] shell_script = op.join(op.dirname(self.output_dir), '' % self.mat_suffix) with open(shell_script, 'w') as fout: for i, fsf in enumerate(fsf_paths): fout.write('feat %s &\n' % fsf) if (i+1) % self.n_cores == 0: fout.write('wait\n')
def _read_fsf(self): """ Reads in template-fsf and does some cleaning. """ if self.template == 'mvpa': template = op.join(op.dirname(op.dirname( op.abspath(__file__))), 'data', 'Feat_single_trial_template.fsf') else: template = self.template with open(template, 'r') as f: template = f.readlines() template = [txt.replace('\n', '') for txt in template if txt != '\n'] template = [txt for txt in template if txt[0] != '#'] # remove commnts self.clean_fsf = template def _write_fsf(self, sub_dir): """ Creates and writes out subject-specific fsf. """ func_file = glob(op.join(sub_dir, '*%s*nii.gz' % self.func_idf)) if len(func_file) == 0: msg = "Found no func-file for sub %s" % sub_dir raise IOError(msg) elif len(func_file) > 1: msg = "Found more than one func-file for sub %s: %r" % (sub_dir, func_file) raise IOError(msg) else: func_file = func_file[0] out_dir = op.join(self.output_dir, op.basename(op.dirname(sub_dir))) if not op.isdir(out_dir): os.makedirs(out_dir) feat_dir = op.join(out_dir, '%s.feat' % self.run_idf) hdr = nib.load(func_file).header if self.event_file_ext == 'tsv': probable_df = glob(op.join(sub_dir, '*.tsv')) if len(probable_df) != 1: raise ValueError("Found %i event-files for subject %s" % (len(probable_df), sub_dir)) else: event_file = probable_df[0] events = self._tsv2event_files(event_file) else: search_str = '*%s*.%s' % (self.run_idf, self.event_file_ext) events = sorted(glob(op.join(sub_dir, search_str))) arg_dict = {'tr': hdr['pixdim'][4], 'npts': hdr['dim'][4], 'custom': events, 'feat_files': "\"%s\"" % func_file, 'outputdir': "\"%s\"" % feat_dir, 'prewhiten_yn': str(int(self.prewhiten)), 'totalVoxels':['dim'][1:5])} if self.template == 'mvpa': arg_dict['ncon_orig'] = str(len(arg_dict['custom'])) arg_dict['ncon_real'] = str(len(arg_dict['custom'])) arg_dict['nftests_orig'] = '1' arg_dict['nftests_real'] = '1' arg_dict['evs_orig'] = str(len(arg_dict['custom'])) arg_dict['evs_real'] = str(len(arg_dict['custom'])) arg_dict.pop('custom') fsf_out = [] # Loop over lines in cleaned template-fsf for line in self.clean_fsf: if any(key in line for key in arg_dict.keys()): parts = [txt for txt in line.split(' ') if txt] this_key = [key for key in arg_dict.keys() if key in line][0] values = arg_dict[this_key] if this_key != 'custom': parts[-1] = values elif this_key == 'custom': ev = line.split(os.sep)[-1].replace("\"", '') bfsls = sorted(glob(op.join(sub_dir, '*.bfsl'))) to_set = [bfsl for bfsl in bfsls if ev in bfsl] if len(to_set) == 1: parts[-1] = "\"%s\"" % to_set[0] else: raise ValueError("Ambiguous ev (%s) for event-files " "(%r)" % (ev, bfsls)) parts = [str(p) for p in parts] fsf_out.append(" ".join(parts)) else: fsf_out.append(line) if self.template == 'mvpa': fsf_out = self._append_single_trial_info(events, fsf_out) to_write = op.join(sub_dir, 'design%s.fsf' % self.mat_suffix) with open(to_write, 'w') as fsfout: print("Writing fsf to %s" % sub_dir) fsfout.write("\n".join(fsf_out)) return to_write def _tsv2event_files(self, tsv_file): ev_files_dir = op.join(op.dirname(tsv_file), 'ev_files') if not op.isdir(ev_files_dir): os.makedirs(ev_files_dir) df = pd.read_csv(tsv_file, sep='\t') ev_files = [] if self.mvpa_type == 'trial_wise': iters = {con: 0 for con in np.unique(df.trial_type)} for i in range(len(df)): info_event = df.iloc[i][['onset', 'duration', 'weight']] name_event = df.iloc[i].trial_type iters[name_event] += 1 fn = op.join(ev_files_dir, '%s_%i.txt' % (name_event, iters[name_event])) np.savetxt(fn, np.array(info_event), delimiter=' ', fmt='%.3f') ev_files.append(fn) else: # assume run-wise estimation evs = np.unique(df.trial_type) for ev in evs: info_event = df[df.trial_type == ev] info_event = info_event[['onset', 'duration', 'weight']] fn = op.join(ev_files_dir, '%s.txt' % ev) np.savetxt(fn, np.array(info_event)) ev_files.append(fn) return ev_files def _append_single_trial_info(self, events, fsf_out): """ Does some specific 'single-trial' (mvpa) stuff. """ if self.sort_by_onset and self.mvpa_type == 'trial_wise': events = sorted(events, key=lambda x: np.loadtxt(x)[0]) for i, ev in enumerate(events): ev_name = op.basename(ev).split('.')[0] fsf_out.append('set fmri(evtitle%i) \"%s\"' % ((i + 1), ev_name)) fsf_out.append('set fmri(shape%i) 3' % (i + 1)) fsf_out.append('set fmri(convolve%i) 3' % (i + 1)) fsf_out.append('set fmri(convolve_phase%i) 0' % (i + 1)) fsf_out.append('set fmri(tempfilt_yn%i) 0' % (i + 1)) fsf_out.append('set fmri(deriv_yn%i) %i' % ((i + 1), self.derivs)) fsf_out.append('set fmri(custom%i) %s' % ((i + 1), ev)) for x in range(len(events) + 1): fsf_out.append('set fmri(ortho%i.%i) 0' % ((i + 1), x)) fsf_out.append('set fmri(conpic_real.%i) 0' % (i + 1)) fsf_out.append('set fmri(conname_real.%i) \"%s\"' % ((i + 1), ev_name)) fsf_out.append('set fmri(conpic_orig.%i) 0' % (i + 1)) fsf_out.append('set fmri(conname_orig.%i) \"%s\"' % ((i + 1), ev_name)) for x in range(len(events)): to_set = "1" if (x + 1) == (i + 1) else "0" fsf_out.append('set fmri(con_real%i.%i) %s' % ( (i + 1), (x + 1), to_set)) fsf_out.append('set fmri(con_orig%i.%i) %s' % ( (i + 1), (x + 1), to_set)) fsf_out.append('set fmri(ftest_real1.%i) 1' % (i + 1)) fsf_out.append('set fmri(ftest_orig1.%i) 1' % (i + 1)) for x in range(len(events)): for y in range(len(events)): if (x + 1) == (y + 1): continue fsf_out.append('set fmri(conmask%i_%i) 0' % ((x + 1), (y + 1))) return fsf_out
[docs]class MelodicCrawler(object):
[docs] def __init__(self, preproc_dir, run_idf, template=None, output_dir=None, subject_idf='sub', func_idf='func', copy_reg=True, copy_mc=True, varnorm=True, n_cores=1): """ Given an fsf-template (Melodic), this crawler creates subject- specific fsf-melodic files and (optionally) copies the corresponding registration and mc directories to the out-directory. Parameters ---------- template : str Absolute path to template fsf-file preproc_dir : str Absolute path to the directory with preprocessed files run_idf : str Identifier for run to apply template fsf to output_dir : str Path to desired output dir of Melodic-ica results. subject_idf : str Identifier for subject-directories. func_idf : str Identifier for which functional should be use. copy_reg : bool Whether to copy the subjects' registration directory copy_mc : bool Whether to copy the subjects' mc directory varnorm : bool Whether to apply variance-normalization (melodic option) n_cores : int How many CPU cores should be used for the batch-analysis. """ self.template = template self.preproc_dir = preproc_dir self.copy_reg = copy_reg self.copy_mc = copy_mc if output_dir is None: output_dir = op.join(op.dirname(template), 'Melodic') if not op.isdir(output_dir): os.makedirs(output_dir) self.output_dir = output_dir self.run_idf = run_idf self.func_idf = func_idf self.subject_idf = subject_idf self.varnorm = "1" if varnorm else "0" if n_cores == -1: n_cores = multiprocessing.cpu_count() - 1 self.n_cores = n_cores self.clean_fsf = None self.out_fsf = [] self.sub_dirs = None
[docs] def crawl(self): """ Crawls subject-directories and spits out subject-specific fsf. """ self._read_fsf() run_paths = op.join(self.preproc_dir, '%s*' % self.subject_idf, '*%s*' % self.run_idf) self.sub_dirs = sorted(glob(run_paths)) out_f = [self._write_fsf(sub) for sub in self.sub_dirs] shell_script = op.join(op.dirname(self.template), '') with open(shell_script, 'wb') as fout: for i, (fsf, reg_cmd, mc_cmd) in enumerate(out_f): fout.write('feat %s' % fsf) if reg_cmd or mc_cmd: fout.write('\n') else: fout.write(' &\n') if reg_cmd is not None: fout.write(reg_cmd + ' &\n') if mc_cmd is not None: fout.write(mc_cmd + ' &\n') if (i+1) % self.n_cores == 0: fout.write('wait\n')
def _copy_reg(self, sub_dir, ica_dir): """ Tries to find reg-dir and returns copy command""" dst = op.join(ica_dir, 'reg') if op.isdir(dst): return None regdir = glob(op.join(op.dirname(sub_dir), '*reg*')) msg = "Found multiple (or no) registration directories in %s (%r)" if len(regdir) != 1: warnings.warn(msg % (sub_dir, regdir)) return None else: if regdir[0] == 'reg': to_copy = regdir[0] else: regdir_ch = op.join(regdir[0], 'reg') if not op.isdir(regdir_ch): warnings.warn(msg % (sub_dir, regdir_ch)) else: to_copy = regdir_ch cmd = 'cp -r %s %s' % (to_copy, dst) # print('Copying %s to %s' % (to_copy, dst)) # shutil.copytree(to_copy, dst) return cmd def _copy_mc(self, sub_dir, ica_dir): """ Tries to find mc-dir and returns copy command.""" dst = op.join(ica_dir, 'mc') if op.isdir(dst): return None mc_dir = op.join(sub_dir, 'mc') if not op.isdir(mc_dir): warnings.warn("Could not find mc dir in %s" % sub_dir) else: # print("Copying %s to %s" % (mc_dir, op.join(ica_dir, 'mc'))) # shutil.copytree(mc_dir, op.join(ica_dir, 'mc')) cmd = 'cp -r %s %s' % (mc_dir, dst) return cmd def _read_fsf(self): """ Reads in template-fsf and does some cleaning. """ if self.template is None: self.template = op.join(op.dirname(skbold.__file__), 'data', 'Melodic_template.fsf') with open(self.template, 'rb') as f: template = f.readlines() template = [txt.replace('\n', '') for txt in template if txt != '\n'] template = [txt for txt in template if txt[0] != '#'] # remove commnts self.clean_fsf = template def _write_fsf(self, sub_dir): """ Creates and writes out subject-specific fsf. """ func_file = glob(op.join(sub_dir, '*%s*.nii.gz' % self.func_idf)) if len(func_file) == 0: msg = "Found no func-file for sub %s" % sub_dir raise IOError(msg) elif len(func_file) > 1: msg = "Found more than one func-file for sub %s: %r" % (sub_dir, func_file) raise IOError(msg) else: func_file = func_file[0] out_dir = op.join(self.output_dir, op.basename(op.dirname(sub_dir))) if not op.isdir(out_dir): os.makedirs(out_dir) ica_dir = op.join(out_dir, '%s.ica' % self.run_idf) hdr = nib.load(func_file).header arg_dict = {'tr': hdr['pixdim'][4], 'npts': hdr['dim'][4], 'feat_files': "\"%s\"" % func_file, 'outputdir': "\"%s\"" % ica_dir, 'varnorm': self.varnorm, 'totalVoxels':['dim'][1:5])} fsf_out = [] # Loop over lines in cleaned template-fsf for line in self.clean_fsf: if any(key in line for key in arg_dict.keys()): parts = [txt for txt in line.split(' ') if txt] keys = [key for key in arg_dict.keys() if key in line][0] values = arg_dict[keys] parts[-1] = values parts = [str(p) for p in parts] fsf_out.append(" ".join(parts)) else: fsf_out.append(line) with open(op.join(sub_dir, 'melodic.fsf'), 'wb') as fsfout: print("Writing fsf to %s" % sub_dir) fsfout.write("\n".join(fsf_out)) if self.copy_reg: reg_cmd = self._copy_reg(sub_dir, ica_dir) if self.copy_mc: mc_cmd = self._copy_mc(sub_dir, ica_dir) return op.join(sub_dir, 'melodic.fsf'), reg_cmd, mc_cmd