Source code for skbold.utils.load_roi_mask

# Function to create a mask from a roi from a given atlas.

# Author: Lukas Snoek []
# Contact:
# License: 3 clause BSD

from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import
import skbold
import os.path as op
import nibabel as nib
import numpy as np
from glob import glob
from .parse_roi_labels import parse_roi_labels
from .roi_globals import available_atlases, other_rois
from ..core import convert2epi

roi_dir = op.join(op.dirname(skbold.__file__), 'data', 'ROIs')

[docs]def load_roi_mask(roi_name, atlas_name='HarvardOxford-Cortical', resolution='2mm', lateralized=False, which_hemifield=None, threshold=0, maxprob=False, yeo_conservative=False, reg_dir=None, verbose=False): """ Loads a mask (from an atlas). Parameters ---------- roi_name : str Name of the ROI (as specified in the FSL XML-files) atlas_name : str Name of the atlas. Choose from: 'HarvardOxford-Cortical', 'HarvardOxford-Subcortical', 'MNI', 'JHU-labels', 'JHU-tracts', 'Talairach', 'Yeo2011'. resolution : str Resolution of the mask/atlas ('1mm' or '2mm') lateralized : bool Whether to use lateralized masks (only available for Harvard- Oxford atlases). If this variable is specified, you have to specify which_hemifield too. which_hemifield : str If lateralized is True, then which hemifield should be used? threshold : int Threshold for probabilistic masks (everything below this threshold is set to zero before creating the mask). maxprob : bool Whether to select only the voxels that have the highest probability of that particular ROI for a given threshold. Setting this option to true ensures that each mask has unique voxels (substantially slows down the function, though). yeo_conservative : bool If Yeo2011 atlas is picked, whether the conservative or liberal atlas should be used. reg_dir : str Absolute path to directory with registration info (in FSL format), for if you want to automatically warp the mask to native (EPI) space! return_path : bool Whether to return the path to the ROI/mask or the loaded corresponding numpy array. Returns ------- mask : (list of) numpy-array(s) Boolean numpy array(s) indicating the ROI-mask(s). """ if 'Yeo' in atlas_name: lateralized = False # Trick to parse all the ROIs in a mask! if roi_name is 'all': # ToDo: make a generator out of this to save memory? if atlas_name == 'HarvardOxford-All': roi_name = sorted(parse_roi_labels('HarvardOxford-Cortical', lateralized).keys()) roi_name2 = sorted(parse_roi_labels('HarvardOxford-Subcortical', lateralized).keys()) roi_name.extend(roi_name2) else: roi_name = sorted(parse_roi_labels(atlas_name, lateralized=lateralized).keys()) # If doing all ROIs, no need to look for L/R if 'JHU' in atlas_name: lateralized = False # First time of a (doubtful) use of a recursive function, yay! if isinstance(roi_name, list): return [load_roi_mask(roi_n, atlas_name, resolution, lateralized, which_hemifield, threshold, maxprob, yeo_conservative, reg_dir) for roi_n in roi_name] else: if verbose: print('Trying to load mask: %s' % roi_name) # Check compatibility settings _check_cfg(roi_name, atlas_name, lateralized, which_hemifield) # If roi is just a simple ROI-file, then load it and return it if roi_name in other_rois.keys(): roi = load_nifti_and_check_space(other_rois[roi_name], reg_dir=reg_dir, return_array=True, mmap=False) mask = roi > threshold return mask # Stupid hack to find correct atlas file when filenames vary too much lat_str = '' if 'HarvardOxford' in atlas_name and lateralized: lat_str = 'lateralized' elif 'HarvardOxford' in atlas_name and not lateralized: lat_str = 'bilateral' cons_str = '' if 'Yeo' in atlas_name: cons_str = 'conservative' if yeo_conservative else 'liberal' # Try to find the atlas with wildcards atlas = glob(op.join(roi_dir, atlas_name, '*%s*%s*%s.nii.gz' % (lat_str, cons_str, resolution))) # Another hack to get the lateralized atlas if queried JHU_atlas = 'JHU' in atlas_name if lateralized: if JHU_atlas and roi_name.split(' ')[-1] not in ['L', 'R']: roi_name = roi_name + ' L' if which_hemifield == 'left' else ' R' elif not JHU_atlas and roi_name.split(' ')[0] not in ['Left', 'Right']: roi_name = '%s %s' % (which_hemifield[0].upper() + which_hemifield[1:].lower(), roi_name) if len(atlas) > 1: msg = "Found more than one atlas, namely: %r" % atlas raise ValueError(msg) elif len(atlas) == 0: msg = "Didn't find any atlas at all ..." raise ValueError(msg) else: atlas = atlas[0] if 'prob' not in op.basename(atlas) and maxprob: print("Setting maxprob to false because it's not " "a probabilistic atlas.") maxprob = False atlas_img = load_nifti_and_check_space(atlas, reg_dir=reg_dir, return_array=False, mmap=False) info_dict = parse_roi_labels(atlas_name, lateralized=lateralized, debug=False) # Trying to find the index corresponding to the roi-name try: idx = info_dict[roi_name][0] except KeyError: # Hack to check for non-lateralized masks in atlas if roi_name.split(' ')[0] in ['Left', 'Right']: idx = info_dict[roi_name.split(' ', 1)[1]][0] elif roi_name[-1] in ['L', 'R']: idx = info_dict[roi_name[:-2]][0] else: raise KeyError('Mask %s does not exist!' % roi_name) if maxprob: atlas_loaded = atlas_img.get_data() atlas_loaded[atlas_loaded < threshold] = 0 atlas_maxprob = np.argmax(atlas_loaded, axis=3) mask = atlas_maxprob == idx else: if len(atlas_img.shape) == 3: mask = atlas_img.get_data() == idx else: roi = np.asarray(atlas_img.dataobj[..., idx]) mask = roi > threshold return mask
def _check_cfg(roi_name, atlas_name, lateralized, which_hemifield): if roi_name not in other_rois.keys() and atlas_name is None: msg = ("Could not find your ROI and you also didn't specify an " "atlas in which it could be. Please specify the appropriate" " atlas or choose from: %r" % other_rois.keys()) raise ValueError(msg) if atlas_name is not None and atlas_name not in available_atlases: msg = ("Could not find your specified atlas! " "Please choose from: %r" % available_atlases) raise ValueError(msg) if lateralized and which_hemifield is None: msg = ("You specified a lateralized mask, but you haven't indicated " "which hemifield. Please set which_hemifield={'left', 'right}.") raise ValueError(msg)
[docs]def load_nifti_and_check_space(nifti, reg_dir, return_array=True, **kwargs): is_img_file = op.basename(nifti).split('.')[-1] == 'img' if is_img_file: print('Cannot transform img-type file, skipping ...') if reg_dir is not None and not is_img_file: nifti = convert2epi(nifti, reg_dir=reg_dir, out_dir=reg_dir, interpolation='nearestneighbour', suffix=None) nifti_loaded = nib.load(nifti, **kwargs) if return_array: return nifti_loaded.get_data() else: return nifti_loaded