Source code for skbold.postproc.mvp_results

from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import

from builtins import range
import os.path as op
import numpy as np
import nibabel as nib
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.externals import joblib
from scipy import stats
from itertools import combinations
from scipy.misc import comb
from copy import copy
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix

[docs]class MvpResults(object): """ .. _ReadTheDocs: Class to keep track of model evaluation metrics and feature scores. See the ReadTheDocs_ homepage for more information on its API and use. Parameters ---------- mvp : mvp-object Necessary to extract some metadata from. n_iter : int Number of folds that will be kept track of. type_model : str Either 'classification' or 'regression' feature_scoring : str Which method to use to calculate feature-scores with. Can be: 1) 'fwm': feature weight mapping [1]_ - keep track of raw voxel-weights (coefficients) 2) 'forward': transform raw voxel-weights to corresponding forward- model [2]_. confmat : bool Whether to keep track of the confusion-matrix across folds (only relevant for `type_model='classification'`) verbose : bool Whether to print extra output. **metrics : keyword-arguments Keyword arguments of the form: `name_metric: metric_function`; any metric from scikit-learn works (or other metrics, as long as they have two input args, `y_true` and `y_pred`). References ---------- .. [1] Stelzer, J., Buschmann, T., Lohmann, G., Margulies, D.S., \ Trampel, R., and Turner, R. (2014). Prioritizing spatial accuracy in \ high-resolution fMRI data using multivariate feature weight mapping. \ Front. Neurosci., .. [2] Haufe, S., Meineck, F., Gorger, K., Dahne, S., Haynes, J-D., \ Blankertz, B., and Biessmann, F. et al. (2014). On the interpretation \ of weight vectors of linear models in multivariate neuroimaging. \ Neuroimage, 87, 96-110. """ def __init__(self, mvp, n_iter, type_model='classification', feature_scoring=None, confmat=False, verbose=False, **metrics): for name, metric in metrics.items(): setattr(self, name, np.zeros(n_iter)) if type_model != 'classification': confmat = False self.n_class = len(np.unique(mvp.y)) self.n_iter = n_iter self.n_vox = np.zeros(self.n_iter) self.mvp = mvp self.fs = feature_scoring self.verbose = verbose self.X = mvp.X self.y = mvp.y self.data_shape = mvp.data_shape self.data_name = mvp.data_name self.affine = mvp.affine self.voxel_idx = mvp.voxel_idx self.featureset_id = mvp.featureset_id self.iter = 0 self.voxel_values = None self.df = None self.metrics = metrics if type_model == 'classification': if self.n_class < 3 or self.fs == 'ufs': self.voxel_values = np.zeros((self.n_iter, mvp.X.shape[1])) else: self.voxel_values = np.zeros((self.n_iter, mvp.X.shape[1], self.n_class)) else: self.voxel_values = np.zeros((self.n_iter, mvp.X.shape[1])) if confmat: self.metrics['confmat'] = confusion_matrix self.confmat = np.zeros((self.n_iter, self.n_class, self.n_class))
[docs] def save_model(self, model, out_path): """ Method to serialize model(s) to disk. Parameters ---------- model : pipeline or scikit-learn object. Model to be saved. """ # Can also be a pipeline! if model.__class__.__name__ == 'Pipeline': model = model.steps for step in model: fn = op.join(out_path, step[0] + '.jl') joblib.dump(s)
[docs] def load_model(self, path, param=None): """ Load model or pipeline from disk. Parameters ---------- path : str Absolute path to model. param : str Which, if any, specific param needs to be loaded. """ model = joblib.load(path) if param is None: return model else: if not isinstance(param, list): param = [param] return {p: getattr(model, p) for p in param}
[docs] def update(self, test_idx, y_pred, pipeline=None): """ Updates with information from current fold. Parameters ---------- test_idx : ndarray Indices of current test-trials. y_pred : ndarray Predictions of current test-trials. pipeline : scikit-learn Pipeline object pipeline from which relevant scores/coefficients will be extracted. """ i = self.iter y_true = self.y[test_idx] for name, metric in self.metrics.items(): tmp = getattr(self, name) tmp[i] = metric(y_true, y_pred) setattr(self, name, tmp) if self.verbose: print("%s: %.3f" % (name, tmp[i])) if pipeline is not None and self.fs is not None: self._update_voxel_values(pipeline) self.iter += 1
[docs] def compute_scores(self, multiclass='ovr', maps_to_tstat=True): """ Computes scores across folds. """ self._check_mvp_attributes() df = {name: getattr(self, name, values) for name, values in self.metrics.items() if name != 'confmat'} if self.fs is not None: df['n_voxels'] = self.n_vox self.df = pd.DataFrame(df) print(self.df.describe().loc[['mean', 'std']]) if self.fs is not None: feature_scores = self._calculate_feature_scores(multiclass, maps_to_tstat) if len(feature_scores) == 1: feature_scores = feature_scores[0] self.feature_scores = feature_scores return(self.df, feature_scores) else: return(self.df)
[docs] def write(self, out_path, confmat=True, to_tstat=True, multiclass='ovr'): """ Writes results to disk. Parameters ---------- out_path : str Where to save the results to feature_viz : bool Whether to write out (and optionally return) feature-visualization information confmat : bool Whether to write out (and optionally return) the confusion-matrix (across folds). to_tstat : bool Whether to convert averaged feature-scores to t-tstats (by dividing them by sqrt(score.std(axis=0)). """ if self.df is None: raise ValueError("Cannot write out results; " "call compute_scores() first!") self.df.loc[len(self.df)] = [np.nan] * self.df.shape[1] self.df.loc[len(self.df)] = self.df.mean() self.df.to_csv(op.join(out_path, 'results.tsv'), sep='\t', index=False) if hasattr(self, 'confmat'):, 'confmat'), self.confmat) if self.fs is not None: if not isinstance(self.feature_scores, list): fscores = [self.feature_scores] else: fscores = self.feature_scores for i, fscore in enumerate(fscores): pos_idx = np.where(i == self.featureset_id)[0][0] if len(fscore.shape) > 3: for ii in range(fscore.ndim + 1): fscore.to_filename(op.join(out_path, self.data_name[pos_idx] + '_%i.nii.gz' % ii)) else: fscore.to_filename(op.join(out_path, self.data_name[pos_idx] + '.nii.gz'))
def _calculate_feature_scores(self, multiclass, to_tstat): values = self.voxel_values if multiclass == 'ovo': # in scikit-learn 'ovo', Positive labels are reversed values *= -1 n_class = len(np.unique(self.mvp.y)) n_models = comb(n_class, 2, exact=True) cmb = list(combinations(range(n_models), 2)) scores = np.zeros((values.shape[0], values.shape[1], n_class)) for number in range(n_models): for i, c in enumerate(cmb): if number in c: if c.index(number) == 1: val = values[:, :, i] * -1 else: val = values[:, :, i] scores[:, :, number] += val values = scores / n_class nonzero_idx = values.sum(axis=0) != 0 if to_tstat: n = values.shape[0] m_values = values[:, nonzero_idx].mean(axis=0) se_values = values[:, nonzero_idx].std(axis=0) / np.sqrt(n - 1) values = values.sum(axis=0) values[nonzero_idx] = m_values / se_values else: m_values = values[:, nonzero_idx].mean(axis=0) values = values.sum(axis=0) values[nonzero_idx] = m_values fids = np.unique(self.featureset_id) to_return = [] for i in fids: pos_idx = np.where(i == fids)[0][0] img = np.zeros(self.data_shape[pos_idx]).ravel() subset = values[self.featureset_id == i] if subset.ndim > 1: for ii in range(subset.ndim + 1): tmp_idx = self.voxel_idx[self.featureset_id == i] img[tmp_idx] = subset[:, ii] img = nib.Nifti1Image(img.reshape( self.data_shape[pos_idx]), affine=self.affine[pos_idx]) to_return.append(img) img = np.zeros(self.data_shape[pos_idx]).ravel() else: pos_idx = np.where(i == fids)[0][0] img[self.voxel_idx[self.featureset_id == i]] = subset img = nib.Nifti1Image(img.reshape(self.data_shape[pos_idx]), affine=self.affine[pos_idx]) to_return.append(img) return to_return def _check_mvp_attributes(self): if not isinstance(self.affine, list): self.affine = [self.affine] if not isinstance(self.data_shape, list): self.data_shape = [self.data_shape] if not isinstance(self.data_name, list): self.data_name = [self.data_name] def _extract_values_from_pipeline(self, pipe): if pipe.__class__.__name__ == 'GridSearchCV': pipe = pipe.best_estimator_ elif pipe.__class__.__name__ != 'Pipeline': # hack to allow non-pipelines pipe.idx_ = np.ones(pipe.coef_.size, dtype=bool) pipe_steps = {pipe.__class__.__name__: pipe} else: pipe_steps = copy(pipe.named_steps) for name, step in pipe_steps.items(): if hasattr(step, 'best_estimator_'): pipe_steps[name] = step.best_estimator_ else: pipe_steps[name] = step match = 'coef_' if self.fs in ['fwm', 'forward'] else 'scores_' val = [getattr(step, match) for step in pipe_steps.values() if hasattr(step, match)] ensemble = [step for step in pipe_steps.values() if hasattr(step, 'estimators_')] if len(val) == 1: val = val[0] elif len(val) == 0 and len(ensemble) == 1: val = np.concatenate([ens.coef_ for ens in ensemble[0]]).mean( axis=0) elif len(val) == 0: raise ValueError('Found no %s attribute anywhere in the ' 'pipeline!' % match) else: raise ValueError('Found more than one %s attribute in the ' 'pipeline!' % match) idx = [step.get_support() for step in pipe_steps.values() if callable(getattr(step, "get_support", None))] if len(idx) == 0: idx = [getattr(step, 'idx_') for step in pipe_steps.values() if hasattr(step, 'idx_')] if len(idx) == 1: idx = idx[0] elif len(idx) > 1: msg = 'Found more than one index in pipeline!' raise ValueError(msg) else: msg = 'Found no index in pipeline! Assuming no voxel selection.' print(msg) idx = np.ones(self.X.shape[1], dtype=bool) val = np.squeeze(val) if val.shape[0] != idx.sum(): val = val.T return val, idx def _update_voxel_values(self, pipe): val, idx = self._extract_values_from_pipeline(pipe) self.n_vox[self.iter] = val.shape[0] if self.fs == 'fwm': self.voxel_values[self.iter, idx] = val elif self.fs == 'ufs': self.voxel_values[self.iter, :] = val elif self.fs == 'forward': A = self._calculate_forward_mapping(val, idx) self.voxel_values[self.iter, idx] = A else: msg = "Please specify either 'ufs', 'fwm', or 'forward'." raise ValueError(msg) def _calculate_forward_mapping(self, val, idx): # Haufe et al. (2014). On the interpretation of weight vectors of # linear models in multivariate neuroimaging. Neuroimage, 87, 96-110. W = val X = self.X[:, idx] # Cov[x(n), y(n)] A = np.cov(X.T).dot(W) return A
[docs]class MvpAverageResults(object): """ Averages results from MVPA analyses on, for example, different subjects or different ROIs. Parameters ---------- mvp_results_list : list List with MvpResults objects (after updating across folds) identifiers : list of str List of identifiers (e.g. subject-name) that correspond to the different MvpResults objects """ def __init__(self, mvp_results_list, identifiers=None): self.mvp_results_list = mvp_results_list self.identifiers = identifiers
[docs] def compute_statistics(self, metric='accuracy', h0=0.5): """ Computes statistics across MvpResults objects Parameters ---------- metric : str Which metric should be used in the MvpResults dataframes h0 : float The null-hypothesis in terms of model performance (e.g. accuracy equals 1 / n_classes) """ if self.identifiers is None: self.identifiers = np.arange(len(self.mvp_results_list)) scores = np.array([getattr(mvpr, metric) for mvpr in self.mvp_results_list]) n = scores.shape[1] df = dict(mean=scores.mean(axis=1), std=scores.std(axis=1)) df['t'] = (df['mean'] - h0) / (df['std'] / np.sqrt(n - 1)) df['p'] = [stats.t.sf(abs(tt), n - 1) for tt in df['t']] df['n_vox'] = np.mean([mvp.n_vox for mvp in self.mvp_results_list]) df = pd.DataFrame(df, index=self.identifiers) df = df.sort_values(by='t', ascending=False) self.df = df return df
[docs] def write(self, path, name='average_results'): fn = op.join(path, name + '.tsv') self.df.to_csv(fn, sep='\t')