Source code for skbold.preproc.confounds

The confounds module contains code to handle and account for
confounds in pattern analyses.

import numpy as np
from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin

[docs]class ConfoundRegressor(BaseEstimator, TransformerMixin): """ Fits a confound onto each feature in X and returns their residuals."""
[docs] def __init__(self, confound, X, cross_validate=True, precise=False, stack_intercept=True): """ Regresses out a variable (confound) from each feature in X. Parameters ---------- confound : numpy array Array of length (n_samples, n_confounds) to regress out of each feature; May have multiple columns for multiple confounds. X : numpy array Array of length (n_samples, n_features), from which the confound will be regressed. This is used to determine how the confound-models should be cross-validated (which is necessary to use in in scikit-learn Pipelines). cross_validate : bool Whether to cross-validate the confound-parameters (y~confound) estimated from the train-set to the test set (cross_validate=True) or whether to fit the confound regressor separately on the test-set (cross_validate=False). Setting this parameter to True is equivalent to "foldwise confound regression" (FwCR) as described in our paper ( Setting this parameter to False, however, is NOT equivalent to "whole dataset confound regression" (WDCR) as it does not apply confound regression to the *full* dataset, but simply refits the confound model on the test-set. We recommend setting this parameter to True. precise: bool Transformer-objects in scikit-learn only allow to pass the data (X) and optionally the target (y) to the fit and transform methods. However, we need to index the confound accordingly as well. To do so, we compare the X during initialization (self.X) with the X passed to fit/transform. As such, we can infer which samples are passed to the methods and index the confound accordingly. When setting precise to True, the arrays are compared feature-wise, which is accurate, but relatively slow. When setting precise to False, it will infer the index by looking at the sum of all the features, which is less accurate, but much faster. For dense data, this should work just fine. Also, to aid the accuracy, we remove the features which are constant (0) across samples. stack_intercept : bool Whether to stack an intercept to the confound (default is True) Attributes ---------- weights_ : numpy array Array with weights for the confound(s). """ self.confound = confound self.cross_validate = cross_validate self.X = X self.precise = precise self.stack_intercept = stack_intercept self.weights_ = None self.nonzero_X_ = None
[docs] def fit(self, X, y=None): """ Fits the confound-regressor to X. Parameters ---------- X : numpy array An array of shape (n_samples, n_features), which should correspond to your train-set only! y : None Included for compatibility; does nothing. """ if self.stack_intercept: icept = np.ones(self.confound.shape[0]) self.confound = np.c_[icept, self.confound] # Find nonzero voxels (i.e., voxels which have not all zero # values across samples) if self.nonzero_X_ is None: self.nonzero_X_ = np.sum(self.X, axis=0) != 0 self.X = self.X[:, self.nonzero_X_] X_nz = X[:, self.nonzero_X_] confound = self.confound if self.precise: tmp = np.in1d(self.X, X_nz).reshape(self.X.shape) fit_idx = tmp.sum(axis=1) == self.X.shape[1] else: fit_idx = np.in1d(self.X.sum(axis=1), X_nz.sum(axis=1)) confound_fit = confound[fit_idx, :] # Vectorized implementation estimating weights for all features self.weights_ = np.linalg.lstsq(confound_fit, X_nz, rcond=None)[0] return self
[docs] def transform(self, X): """ Regresses out confound from X. Parameters ---------- X : numpy array An array of shape (n_samples, n_features), which should correspond to your train-set only! Returns ------- X_new : ndarray ndarray with confound-regressed features """ if not self.cross_validate: X_nz = X[:, self.nonzero_X_] if self.precise: tmp = np.in1d(self.X, X_nz).reshape(self.X.shape) transform_idx = tmp.sum(axis=1) == self.X.shape[1] else: transform_idx = np.in1d(self.X.sum(axis=1), X_nz.sum(axis=1)) confound_transform = self.confound[transform_idx] X_new = X - X_corr = np.zeros_like(X) X_corr[:, self.nonzero_X_] = X_new return X_corr