Installation & dependenciesΒΆ

Although the package is very much in development, it can be installed using pip:

$ pip install skbold

However, the pip-version is likely behind compared to the code on Github, so to get the most up to date version, use git:

$ pip install git+

Skbold is largely Python-only (both Python2.7 and Python3) and is built around the “PyData” stack, including:

  • Numpy
  • Scipy
  • Pandas
  • Scikit-learn

And it uses the awesome nibabel package for reading/writing nifti-files. Also, skbold uses FSL (primarily the FLIRT and applywarp functions) to transform files from functional (native) to standard (here: MNI152 2mm) space. These FSL-calls are embedded in the convert2epi and convert2mni functions, so avoid this functionality if you don’t have a working FSL installation.