Source code for skbold.exp_model.parse_presentation_logfile

# Parses a Presentation ( logfile.

# Author: Lukas Snoek []
# Contact:
# License: 3 clause BSD

from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import
from builtins import range
import os
import os.path as op
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from glob import glob

[docs]class PresentationLogfileCrawler(object): """ Logfile crawler for Presentation (Neurobs) files; cleans logfile, calculates event onsets and durations, and (optionally) writes out .bfsl files per condition. Parameters ---------- in_file : str or list Absolute path to logfile (can be a list of paths). con_names : list List with names for each condition con_codes : list List with codes for conditions. Can be a single integer or string (in the latter case, it may be a substring) or a list with possible values. con_design : list or str Which 'design' to assume for events (if 'multivar', all events - regardless of condition - are treated as a separate condition/regressor; if 'univar', all events from a single condition are treated as a single condition). Default: 'univar' for all conditions. con_duration : list If the duration cannot be parsed from the logfile, you can specify them here manually (per condition). pulsecode : int Code with which the first (or any) pulse is logged. write_bfsl : bool Whether to write out a .bfsl file per condition. verbose : bool Print out intermediary output. Attributes ---------- df : Dataframe Dataframe with cleaned and parsed logfile. """ def __init__(self, in_file, con_names, con_codes, con_design=None, con_duration=None, pulsecode=30, write_bfsl=False, verbose=True): if isinstance(in_file, str): in_file = [in_file] self.in_file = in_file self.con_names = con_names self.con_codes = con_codes if con_duration is not None: if isinstance(con_duration, (int, float)): con_duration = [con_duration] if len(con_duration) < len(con_names): con_duration *= len(con_names) self.con_duration = con_duration design_params = ['univar', 'multivar', None] msg = 'Unknown design-parameter; please choose from: %r' % \ design_params if isinstance(con_design, str): if con_design not in design_params: raise ValueError(msg) elif isinstance(con_design, list): if not all(d in design_params for d in con_design): raise ValueError(msg) else: msg = 'Unknown type for con_design; please specify list or str.' raise ValueError(msg) if con_design is None: con_design = ['univar'] * len(con_names) self.con_design = con_design self.pulsecode = pulsecode self.write_bfsl = write_bfsl self.verbose = verbose self.df = None self.to_write = None self.base_dir = None def _parse(self, f): if self.verbose: print('Processing %s' % f) # Remove existing .bfsl files self.base_dir = op.dirname(f) _ = [os.remove(x) for x in glob(op.join(self.base_dir, '*.bfsl'))] if self.df is not None: df = self.df else: df = pd.read_table(f, sep='\t', skiprows=3, skip_blank_lines=True) # Clean up unnecessary columns to_drop = ['Uncertainty', 'Subject', 'Trial', 'Uncertainty.1', 'ReqTime', 'ReqDur', 'Stim Type', 'Pair Index'] _ = [df.drop(col, axis=1, inplace=True) for col in to_drop if col in df.columns] # Ugly hack to find pulsecode, because some numeric codes are # written as str df['Code'] = df['Code'].astype(str) df['Code'] = [np.float(x) if x.isdigit() else x for x in df['Code']] pulse_idx = np.where(df['Code'] == self.pulsecode)[0] if len(pulse_idx) > 1: # take first pulse if mult pulses are logged pulse_idx = int(pulse_idx[0]) # pulse_t = absolute time of first pulse pulse_t = df['Time'][df['Code'] == self.pulsecode].iloc[0] df['Time'] = (df['Time'] - float(pulse_t)) / 10000.0 df['Duration'] /= 10000.0 trial_names = [] trial_onsets = [] trial_durations = [] # Loop over condition-codes to find indices/times/durations for i, code in enumerate(self.con_codes): to_write = pd.DataFrame() if type(code) == str: code = [code] if len(code) > 1: # Code is list of possibilities if all(isinstance(c, int) for c in code): idx = df['Code'].isin(code) elif all(isinstance(c, str) for c in code): idx = [any(c in x for c in code) if isinstance(x, str) else False for x in df['Code']] idx = np.array(idx) elif len(code) == 1 and type(code[0]) == str: # Code is single string idx = [code[0] in x if type(x) == str else False for x in df['Code']] idx = np.array(idx) else: idx = df['Code'] == code if idx.sum() == 0: raise ValueError('No entries found for code: %r' % code) # Generate dataframe with time, duration, and weight given idx to_write['Time'] = df['Time'][idx] if self.con_duration is None: to_write['Duration'] = df['Duration'][idx] n_nan = np.sum(np.isnan(to_write['Duration'])) if n_nan > 1: msg = ('In total, %i NaNs found for Duration. ' 'Specify duration manually.' % n_nan) raise ValueError(msg) to_write['Duration'] = [np.round(x, decimals=2) for x in to_write['Duration']] else: to_write['Duration'] = [self.con_duration[i]] * idx.sum() to_write['Weight'] = np.ones((np.sum(idx), 1)) to_write['Name'] = [self.con_names[i] + '_%i' % (j + 1) for j in range(idx.sum())] if self.con_design[i] == 'univar': trial_names.append(to_write['Name'].tolist()) trial_onsets.append(to_write['Time'].tolist()) trial_durations.append(to_write['Duration'].tolist()) elif self.con_design[i] == 'multivar': _ = [trial_names.append([x]) for x in to_write['Name'].tolist()] _ = [trial_onsets.append([x]) for x in to_write['Time'].tolist()] _ = [trial_durations.append([x]) for x in to_write['Duration'].tolist()] self.to_write = to_write if self.write_bfsl: self._write_bfsl(i) subject_info = {'conditions': self.con_names, 'onsets': trial_onsets, 'durations': trial_durations, 'amplitudes': None, 'regressor_names': self.con_names, 'regressors': None} # For nipype: convert subject-info to Bunch instance. return subject_info def _write_bfsl(self, i): to_write = self.to_write if self.con_design[i] == 'univar': to_write.drop('Name', axis=1, inplace=True) name = op.join(self.base_dir, '%s.bfsl' % self.con_names[i]) to_write = to_write[['Time', 'Duration', 'Weight']] to_write.to_csv(name, sep='\t', index=False, header=False) elif self.con_design[i] == 'multivar': for ii, (index, row) in enumerate(to_write.iterrows()): ev_name = '%s.bfsl' % row['Name'] name = os.path.join(self.base_dir, ev_name) df_tmp = pd.DataFrame({'Time': row['Time'], 'Duration': row['Duration'], 'Weight': row['Weight']}, index=[0]) df_tmp = df_tmp[['Time', 'Duration', 'Weight']] df_tmp.to_csv(name, index=False, sep='\t', header=False)
[docs] def parse(self): """ Parses logfile, writes bfsl (optional), and return subject-info. Returns ------- subject_info_list : Nilearn bunch object Bunch object to be used in Nipype pipelines. """ subject_info_list = [self._parse(f) for f in self.in_file] if len(subject_info_list) == 1: return subject_info_list[0] else: return subject_info_list
[docs]def parse_presentation_logfile(in_file, con_names, con_codes, con_design=None, con_duration=None, pulsecode=30): """ Function-interface for PresentationLogfileCrawler. Can be used to create a Nipype node. Parameters ---------- in_file : str or list Absolute path to logfile (can be a list of paths). con_names : list List with names for each condition con_codes : list List with codes for conditions. Can be a single integer or string (in the latter case, it may be a substring) or a list with possible values. con_design : list or str Which 'design' to assume for events (if 'multivar', all events - regardless of condition - are treated as a separate condition/regressor; if 'univar', all events from a single condition are treated as a single condition). Default: 'univar' for all conditions. con_duration : list If the duration cannot be parsed from the logfile, you can specify them here manually (per condition). pulsecode : int Code with which the first (or any) pulse is logged. """ from skbold.exp_model import PresentationLogfileCrawler plc = PresentationLogfileCrawler(in_file=in_file, con_names=con_names, con_codes=con_codes, con_design=con_design, con_duration=con_duration, pulsecode=pulsecode, write_bfsl=True, verbose=False) subject_info_files = plc.parse() return subject_info_files